Designer of the Month – January

Now that the winter season has arrived, it’s time to get comfortable! Polina took matters into her own hands by knitting her very own sweater. This way, she has been able to create a nice and warm sweater, completely up to her own liking. She won this month’s competition for the Designer of the Month and therefore, you can read more about her creative work below!


“I’m Polina and I knitted this sweater last year as a gift for me to stay warm during winter. I was using knitting needles, microfiber yarn and a random lady YouTube tutorial. The whole process took me about a month with some breaks, but it is so far the best thing I made by myself and for myself :D”


– Polina Djugajeva

The IDE Portfolio

What are all the skills of Industrial Design Engineering students? What does the study programme of the bachelor and master look like? What does a typical IDE project and bachelor thesis look like? 


You may have already heard about the IDE Portfolio document which the 20th Board of S.G. Daedalus created. The 23rd Board created a new version, answering all the questions of above! This version contains updated information about the new curriculum for the bachelor programme and also shows recent projects and bachelor theses.


The document can be found on the public area of the website, under “Collaboration” > “Sponsoring” > “IDE Portfolio”. Are you a member of the association and able to log in to the member area? Then you can also find the document under “Downloads” > “0. Association files” > “IDE_Portfolio_2025”.

Enjoy reading!



Designer of the Month – December

From technical projects to more artsy projects, IDE students have it all! Creative is what they all are, and most certainly Anya. She gets inspired by colours and fashion, and she loves to combine this when making her very own jewellery. The members of S.G. Daedalus voted on Anya’s projects the most and therefore, she has the pleasure to call herself the Designer of the Month for December 2024! Read more about it her projects below!


“Hi! I’m Anya and one of my biggest hobbies is making jewellery. It started a few years ago during my gap year when I was looking for new hobbies. I always loved wearing jewellery, but sometimes it was hard to find the jewellery I wanted in stores, so I thought: why not make my own? I began ordering parts online—mostly in bulk—so I had extras to sell on Instagram. Now, I mainly create pieces for myself and occasionally as gifts. 


The best part about this hobby is that I always have jewellery to match any outfit and colour combination. Sometimes I make jewellery for a specific theme party. I also find it very relaxing, I can just put on some music or a series and craft for a bit. Plus, I get quick results; most pieces take me only about 20 minutes to make.


I still buy parts online, but I’ve recently started thrifting jewellery and making my own jewellery using those parts. I think that makes it even more unique, and you can find very cool and cheap stuff in thrift stores. 


I also love seeing what others make for inspiration, so if you make your own jewellery or if you see something cool, feel free sending it to me :))”


– Anya Teies-Torres

Alumni Day 2024

On Saturday the 16th of November, we have had the pleasure of welcoming 30 alumni of Industrial Design Engineering back on campus! During this day, the alumni got to experience being back on university grounds, while enjoying a set of activities and each other’s company. The alumni reunited and shared their stories whilst getting to know more about the campus during a campus tour. Later on in the afternoon, they got presented what the new bachelor curriculum of Industrial Design Engineering entails and what S.G. Daedalus currently is like. The day concluded with a pub quiz and a drink in the association’s bar.


We would like to thank every alumnus for attending this day. The great enthusiasm will hopefully lead to an even closer connection between the alumni, the university and the study association!

Designer of the Month – November

Spending time with friends and playing games together is something that never gets boring! One thing that will definitely not make it boring, is a customised game! That is exactly what Wes did with making customised Guitar Hero holders for his student house. This month, Wes got assigned to be the Designer of the Month, so enjoy reading all about his project below!


“Within my student house, Guitar Hero (GH) has always been a game that is often played. Especially after our Christmas dinner with all the old housemates, which is why we own four Guitar Hero guitars, the associated drum kit and microphone. These items have never really had a good place to be stored, so I decided to design some holders for the guitars in order to hang them on our wall in the living room.


Additionally, I wanted to IDE it up a little bit and stay within the branding style of the Guitar Hero product line. After some research and a few rough sketches I made during work I made a final sketch on which I could base my SolidWorks model. After the 3D-modelling and getting some help with the 3D-printing, I painstakingly hand painted them and hung them up. 

The design references some key design features of the original GH guitars, like the curvatures of the body and the fretboard. They also all include a button of the guitar accompanied by a node out of the game on the side, and the GH logo on the top. The supporting structure that the guitars rest on is actually fitted to the shape of the guitar heads, which makes them hang straight down. The house loves the new addition, and I’m very happy with the way it came out.”


– Wes Wikkerink 

Designer of the Month – October


The colder days are approaching and the days are getting shorter. However, during a sunny week in October, we’ve had the pleasure to visit a project from six motivated IDE students at Dutch Design Week 2024 in Eindhoven! Their project named ‘BRIGHT’ aims to make a great impact in the world of visual impairment and we’re sure that they reached this goal. Read more about it below, where the team will be telling you all about it! 


“Hi everyone! This is the BRIGHTeam speaking! 


We are a team of six Industrial Design Engineering students from University of Twente, and we are extremely excited to present our ongoing project BRIGHT at the Dutch Design Week 2024.

BRIGHT is a game designed with inclusivity at its core, bringing together both visually impaired and sighted players through communication and teamwork. The challenge? Work against the clock, trust your partner, and communicate to overcome obstacles!

Our goal with BRIGHT is simple: to create a space where everyone can participate equally, regardless of their abilities. We want to show that games can be fun, challenging, and accessible for all. By connecting people with different experiences, we hope to inspire a more inclusive and equal society—one game at a time.

Get ready and discover how a game can be made inclusive for all!!”


– Kara, Jonathan, Marcello, Nuria, Leire and Martina ~ BRIGHTeam


Designer of the Month – September

Happy start of the new academic year! This new academic year also brings a new Designer of the Month, and we hope you’re excited to read more about it below. Elisa loves to experiment with painting with watercolours, and that can definitely be seen back into her artworks! 

“Hi! I am Elisa (@elisasfunartz) and I love painting with watercolours / aquarel in my free time. I really like that you have to make a plan for the layers, but at the same time you can kind of adjust the plan along the way, which in my case always creates interesting paintings. For this post I’m showing you 2 paintings 🙂

The first painting I made for my sister’s 18th birthday this month. It is ‘De Waalbrug’ in Nijmegen, the city where we come from. Every window of the painting is another time in the day, where my sister is spending time with me or her friends at the bridge. I made it for her because she is moving to Groningen, so she still had something in her room to remind her of Nijmegen. 

The second painting(s) I made in a little while ago during COVID. They represent how you only know little pieces about people, you almost never know the whole picture. The paintings at the same time also shows the lockdowns, where everyone had to be in their own bubble.“

– Elisa Micic

Designer of the Month – July

Right before the summer holiday, the last contest for the Designer of the Month took place. In July, Jelle shared his passion for LEGO with us and now I’m happy to share it with even more people through this news feed post. I hope you are excited for the posts that will appear in the upcoming months and that you will enjoy reading more about Jelle’s passion below!

“Just around the Covid pandemic I started combining my biggest hobby with one of my core interests, LEGO and everything about (historic) railways! I focused on the trains that ran around the Netherlands in the golden age of everything steam, starting with the largest and most powerful tank engine in Europe at the time of introduction, the NS 6317. I also built a tram that ran close to my parental home, with a postal wagon and a freight wagon. I also built one of the first Dutch electric train sets, the Materieel ’24 (also called Blokkendoos). I built this in its original colours instead of the more known completely green colouring, both due to part availability and aesthetics. 

To accompany these models, I also built a traditional Dutch farm as often seen around the Veluwe, again based on the region where my parents live. All the models are L-gauge, meaning they fit the regular LEGO tracks and scaled at roughly 1:45. Everything is made with original LEGO parts, except for the stickers, lights and some train specific parts which are not made (anymore) by LEGO, like large train wheels and large radius curves.

Together with fellow members from the @llmtc, we have exhibited at the Nationale  Modelspoordagen in Rijswijk and events in Germany.”


– Jelle Wielink 

Designer of the Month – June

The next inspiratIOnal design you can read about is one from Sanne! She has been working on a long-term project with a long-term result: a mood blanket! Although the weather has been (thankfully) becoming less and less nice for using a blanket, she hopes to comfort you with the background story behind her design. Read all about it below!


“Throughout the year of 2022, I have been keeping track of my emotions every day. In a little notebook, I wrote down which emotion I felt the most during that day and I linked each emotion to a colour. Doing this for an entire year gave me the data to create one row for each day, coloured in the emotion that I was mainly feeling that day. Using my crochet hook and (a lot) of balls of yarn, I crocheted my mood blanket of 2022! 


From start to finish, it took me one and a half years to complete. It was quite a journey, where crocheting my emotions was both confronting and relaxing at the same time. Crocheting really brings me to a calm state of mind when the days were sometimes filled with hectic thoughts and deep feelings. Taking a moment at the end of each day to reflect upon my emotions had an impact which I hadn’t thought of when I started, but turned out to be helpful in the end. The biggest advantage now is that I have a nice and big blanket to crawl into at the end of the day”


– Sanne Duwel 

Alumni Talk – Chasing Orchestrated Luck with Ruben Pot

Do you know what you want to do after you finish your studies? Dive straight into work? Ruben Pot, alumni of IDE had a different vision, he dreamed of exploring the world. After completing his bachelor’s degree, board year, and master program, he embarked on a two-year journey around the world.
A month ago, Ruben gave us a lunch lecture about his adventures. As everyone enjoyed their sandwiches, they learned how Ruben leveraged his IDE background to find work, as well as his top tips for making such a journey possible.
For those who couldn’t attend, our Podcast Committee, the Icarus Idea also interviewed Ruben about his experiences. You can catch the episode on Spotify and YouTube


LinkedIn of Ruben Pot: Ruben Pot