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Designer of the Month – July

Right before the summer holiday, the last contest for the Designer of the Month took place. In July, Jelle shared his passion for LEGO with us and now I’m happy to share it with even more people through this news feed post. I hope you are excited for the posts that will appear in the upcoming months and that you will enjoy reading more about Jelle’s passion below!

“Just around the Covid pandemic I started combining my biggest hobby with one of my core interests, LEGO and everything about (historic) railways! I focused on the trains that ran around the Netherlands in the golden age of everything steam, starting with the largest and most powerful tank engine in Europe at the time of introduction, the NS 6317. I also built a tram that ran close to my parental home, with a postal wagon and a freight wagon. I also built one of the first Dutch electric train sets, the Materieel ’24 (also called Blokkendoos). I built this in its original colours instead of the more known completely green colouring, both due to part availability and aesthetics. 

To accompany these models, I also built a traditional Dutch farm as often seen around the Veluwe, again based on the region where my parents live. All the models are L-gauge, meaning they fit the regular LEGO tracks and scaled at roughly 1:45. Everything is made with original LEGO parts, except for the stickers, lights and some train specific parts which are not made (anymore) by LEGO, like large train wheels and large radius curves.

Together with fellow members from the @llmtc, we have exhibited at the Nationale  Modelspoordagen in Rijswijk and events in Germany.”


– Jelle Wielink 

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