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Alumni Talk – Chasing Orchestrated Luck with Ruben Pot

Do you know what you want to do after you finish your studies? Dive straight into work? Ruben Pot, alumni of IDE had a different vision, he dreamed of exploring the world. After completing his bachelor’s degree, board year, and master program, he embarked on a two-year journey around the world.
A month ago, Ruben gave us a lunch lecture about his adventures. As everyone enjoyed their sandwiches, they learned how Ruben leveraged his IDE background to find work, as well as his top tips for making such a journey possible.
For those who couldn’t attend, our Podcast Committee, the Icarus Idea also interviewed Ruben about his experiences. You can catch the episode on Spotify and YouTube

Spotify: https://lnkd.in/db6689B4
YouTube: https://lnkd.in/dQaYwsWB

LinkedIn of Ruben Pot: Ruben Pot

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